What Are Macros? What is Macro Tracking?

Let's talk about MACROS...
We've heard of calories & know they’re in the foods we eat... MACROS are just the TYPES of calories 🤓 For example, strawberries are made up of CARBS, and chicken is made up of PROTEIN...
There are THREE major types of calories (macros):
1️⃣ Carbohydrates
2️⃣ Protein
3️⃣ Fat
We need all 3 in our diet for our body & brain to function optimally, and if you're wanting to lose weight the secret sauce to seeing results is knowing the AMOUNT of each to eat daily 🔥
1️⃣ CARBOHYDRATES — Carbs are your body's primary source of energy and break down into glycogen which is stored in your muscles. If you're strength training and your body can't find glycogen in your muscles, it'll break down the muscle 😳 so don't cut carbs ❌ Your body & brain need them!
2️⃣ PROTEIN — Most women aren’t eating enough protein and it's one reason they're not seeing results... Protein helps you feel fuller for longer + builds muscle & metabolizes carbs… too much or too little and you won't see max results 💪
3️⃣ FAT — Fats support every part of your body's systems & actually HELPS protect your organs, regulate your metabolism, and plays a crucial role in the recovery/muscle building process. Healthy fats also reduce the odds of developing insulin resistance ❤️
ALL 3 macros are important!
If you cut out or restrict one, everything will be out of whack...which is exactly why I teach macro tracking 🙌 My clients track their food & aim to hit the daily custom macro numbers I've calculated for their bodies & goals. Like a game of food tetris!
By doing this, they;
🔥 lose weight (scientifically!)
😍 optimize their overall health
❤️ build a healthy lifestyle they can sustain
And since no foods are off-limits, they enjoy the foods they love guilt-free & create a BALANCED lifestyle... which means once they lose the weight and stop macro tracking, they can easily intuitively eat and KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF 💃
If you wanna try macro tracking but don't know how many of each macro you should be eating, I can calculate them for you + give you the tools to succeed and make the process simple!
Click here to grab my One Time Nutrition Bundle for just $97